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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger

Stress, Hormones, and Health with Bri Edwards

This one is for the ladies out there….myself included.

Over the past few years, I have been on a health journey. 

In 2015, I found strength training and really loved how my brain and body responded to weight lifting (more on that in this episode from the Re-Find miniseries of the podcast). Then, in 2018, I dove into nutrition and started paying attention to macro rations, portion sizes, and caloric deficits with the help of my friend Coach Erika at Sweat Inspire Sisterhood (hear from her in one of the very first episodes of the podcast). 

But in the years since, with the Covid of it all, different seasons of business, and stressful life circumstances, I’ve found myself at my heaviest weight ever and carrying a LOT of it in my midsection.

I’ve been pretty vulnerable sharing about this journey on my Instagram Stories, and thankfully through the magic of social media I was able to connect with Bri Edwards, owner and integrative nutrition health coach at Healthy Foundations Dubuque.

Bri Edwards, owner of Healthy Foundations Dubuque and women's integrative health coach

Meet Bri, Owner of Healthy Foundations Dubuque and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Through her proven Mind Body Nutrition Method, Bri guides women to their healthiest and most vibrant selves. 

Because she believes you don’t have to continue looking for the next right diet.

You don’t have to continue looking for the next right fitness plan.

You don’t need to push harder. 

You don’t need to have greater self control. 

You just need to unlearn and relearn the truths about your body as a woman, nutrition and how you can utilize both to transform your life.

In this episode with Bri, you’ll learn simple steps to set you up for success each day, ways to manage your stress levels through the foods you’re eating, and how to listen to your body in order to understand what you need most.

This is an episode every woman needs to hear.

Key Takeaways

  • “What it really comes down to is as women for our whole lives growing up, we are given advice that honestly should just be for men, but no one knew that because women weren’t in studies because we have our menstrual cycle. That’s really hard for these researchers to account for when they’re doing their studies, so they just don’t they leave us out of studies and assume, or hope, that what they’re learning from the studies can be applicable to us. And what women’s bodies are showing is that it’s just not true.”
  • “Your menstrual cycle is your superpower…You just have to learn how to work with it.”
  • “Your body’s going to send you little whispers until it feels like it has to scream at you.”
  • “I get women coming to me all the time saying, ‘I’m working out, I’m eating healthy, and I just can’t lose weight’ or ’I’m gaining all of this weight, and it’s all in my stomach area.’ And that is usually, they don’t even have to tell me they’re stressed. I will know from what they’re experiencing that [their] stress levels are too high.”
  • “The more clients I’m working with, the more I’m realizing that women still aren’t understanding that coffee before food is a no-go for women, especially if you are highly stressed.”
  • “It’s not necessarily that we are changing the stressors in our life, because for a lot of us, those stressors can’t necessarily be changed. But it’s doing the things that allow our capacity to change.”

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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger