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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

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Where I Eff’ed Up in ’21

“I know, let’s do a 2022 planning and projecting episode, that would be unique and fun” said every business podcast host ever!


Today I don’t want to do what every other host is doing: sharing success, giving tips, vibing you up.I’m going to share where I sucked throughout ’21.

Yep, the bad, the bruised, the ugly, and the things I’m ashamed to admit.

For an enneagram 3 like me, this is a bit of a struggle, but I’m going to lean in to the discomfort to show you that no Instagrammable business is perfect. Every business owner is working through some things behind the scenes. And today I’m sharing all the ways I messed up in 2021 and how I’m course-correcting for 2022.

Where I Eff’ed Up in Business

  1. Business as a whole
    1. This year I had a lot of head down,deep in the weeds action. I spent most of my time IN my business making posts, writing blogs, and taking action on behalf of my clients. This can be a good thing, but there was not as much learning done this year as I would like to have. So in 2022, I’m already signed up for a new mastermind and a 1:1 coaching intensive to help me learn more about myself and business.
    2. Entering the year, communications with my team were inconsistent at best and very disjointed. The right hand didn’t really know what the left hand was doing behind the scenes, if you will.  So this year, team communications and workflow took the forefront and we implemented Asana project management, quarterly meetings, weekly emails updates, and business mapping to keep everyone on the same page. In 2022 we’re continuing with this approach and I will incorporate trainings to hone in on our specific MKM methods for clients.
    3. A major shortfall I can see in hindsight is waiting too long to bring on a dedicated MKM employee. In the past I brought in team members as independent contractors who could work when and how they wanted as long as they completed their tasks and projects. But as MKM grew this year, I knew I needed someone on staff who was readily available during the working hours I had too, and I knew it was time to bring in someone as a W2 employee. Thankfully, someone contacted me about coming on board before I had to conduct interviews or post the position, which made the hiring process WAY easy, but we’re already full again! Which is a really fun thing!
    4. My last eff-up: overcommitting . TBH, I still do this. I always think I am superwoman and can accomplish anything, but truth is, I only have so many hours in a day. And the overcommitting was leading to stress, imposter syndrome, and overall discontent. So I have started offloading more, being more realistic with my timeframes and incorporating more habits to help me deal with my Enneagram 3 tendencies.

Want to know more about my ’21 Eff-Ups? Listen to the podcast this week for more in the areas of:

  1. Finances
    1. Too often I said “I’m just not good with money”
    2. Made it hard and stressful
  2. Friendships
    1. Not enough friend time
  3. Family
    1. I worked too much
    2. Get stressed a lot at home
  4. Personal Development
    1. Therapy
    2. Talking about my feelings instead of avoiding them
    3. Learning more
    4. Accountability buddies
    5. Physical fitness


Feeling happy, free, confused, and lonely all at the same time? Sometimes business ownership can be miserable and magical, yeah? 

Especially at this time of year! 

But don’t worry business owner, everything will be all right if you keep me next to you! 

And next year from January-March, I’m sharing my best marketing strategies with YOU!

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling’22!

Starting in January, we are going to dive into your 2022 business goals and outline your marketing strategy in your social media, website, and email marketing so you don’t have any more blank spaces in your marketing calendar and you can grow the business of your wildest dreams. You know all too well what it feels like to try to market your products and services on the fly.With this 12-week program, you’ll know when and how to talk about your 2022 offers and feel confident that your marketing efforts are working for you.

…are you ready for it?

Training Topics

January: Social Marketing 101 (overview of socials – pick your poison)

February: Website Best Practices

March: Email Marketing Best Practices

Who is this for?

  • Small town small business owners
  • Business owners who want to know not only what to say but how to say it
  • Business owners who want to bring all their marketing channels together so they work together to tell your story and authentically connect with your audience & community
  • Want to network with other small business owners
  • Work well in an online format

Get all the details on signing up at!


If you want to experience the Sweat Inspire Sisterhood community this season, head to to get started with her 7-day free trial and get an all-access pass to her sisterhood membership for FREE!

You’ll also get added to her email list with exclusive freebies each week AND information about her upcoming Drop 10 program that helps you lose 10 pounds or 10 inches in just 12 weeks…trust me, it works and the next round starts January 3.

That’s for 7 days of workouts, healthy recipes, encouragement, motivation, friendship, and fitness, at absolutely no cost to you.


It’s year-end and you’re probably reviewing 2021’s performance as you prep and plan for next year, right? 

For me at MKM, that looks like updating pricing, updating contracts, prepping for taxes, assessing profit/loss, etc. as I make a game plan for structure and services in 2022.

But I didn’t start out in the first year (or the first 4!) knowing how to do this. Do you?

Do you know which areas of your business you need to focus on building next year? Do you know which steps to take to make those improvements? 

As you know, revenue does NOT equal profit or take home pay in your business. So how do we grow more than just the gross revenue and actually make some money in 2022?

Thankfully, my friend Janey Stahl is a fractional CFO and she is an expert in just this type of thing.

She helps business owners see that sustainable profitability requires high performance in all areas of their business.

And with her expertise, she guides them through the process of analyzing profit, offers, services, products, and time spend so that business owners can work smarter in the exact areas that will keep their business working profitably for years to come.

Right now, Janey is offering a free assessment to help you determine which area of your business could be improved in ’22 and it’s FREE! In this guide she walks through creating your unique business plan for next year and identify specific steps you should take to strengthen your business’ foundation! 

Go to to download the free assessment today!

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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger