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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger

Is social media oversaturated? 2024 Online Marketing Trends Question & Answer

This is one of my favorite things to do ever: take YOUR burning questions and answer them live. 

Just last month in April of 2024, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of approximately 150 people at the Young Professionals Association of Dubuque, Iowa. They had me in to talk about marketing and how to get seen by more people, particularly through your digital marketing strategies.

When I went to  this function, I love to share what I know and came prepared with slides, supportive resources, and a 45-minute planned speech. But, as with many programs I’ve been to before, I felt like the biggest takeaways came from the Q&A portion of the event. When we have an opportunity to ask burning questions from the audience in order to get the perspective of the speaker, it engages the participants and allows for real-time learning and application.

This episode is the result of all those fantastic questions the YP attendees submitted.

Read below for a preview of some of the topics we cover (and my answers) and a few helpful links for more information!

Question 1

Question 1: Where did you get your blazer?

Answer 1: Old Navy

Question 2

Question 2: How do you encourage a client to utilize all parts of the flywheel in their marketing when a decent amount of local businesses have small budgets?

Answer 2: So this is a fantastic question. And if you want to know what the heck is a flywheel, go over to my episode from the beginning of May, the very first episode, episode 162.that one’s going to be all about the marketing flywheel. And how I encourage my audience or sorry, how I encourage my clients to develop a more holistic marketing strategy. I would remind you that good marketing doesn’t mean you have to pay more for it.  It just means that you are doing things in a way that your audience recognizes and appreciates. And you are meeting them where they are. So for example, in the attraction phase, I really do recommend that you’re doing things in your strategy that are getting new eyeballs on you.

So this could mean collaborations. For example, I bring guests onto my podcast. It doesn’t cost them any money to come be a guest with me, but it’s opening them up to a whole new audience.  If they go and do two podcast guest spots a month, then they’re open to two new audiences each month. They’re attracting a lot more people in.

It’s not costing them money. It’s just costing them time. And that’s helping them really get clear on where their time and energy and efforts are spent for that attraction phase of their marketing. To make your marketing better, you think about where your audience is, what are they interested in, and you build for that.

More Questions from the Podcast

  • Question 3: Have you ever worked on a hiring campaign for a client? And if you have, what was successful and what was not so successful?
  • Question 4: Should a business still be using Twitter/X?
  • Question 5: What are your thoughts on Pinterest? Tap here to listen to a recent episode on this very topic!
  • Question 6: Besides social media, where else should you market in person events?
  • Question 7: Platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn have become flooded with entrepreneurs and businesses competing for the attention of their audience. They’ve essentially become red oceans (tap here for more info on the blue ocean vs. red ocean analogy). Has the shift away from traditional marketing actually created a large opportunity for some savvy people to leverage it?

Helpful Links:

Be a Guest on a Future Coaching Call

If you’d like to ask Molly your business or marketing question on a future episode of The Found Podcast, click the link below to enter your name and burning question:

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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger