Hey there, listener! It’s so good to “see” you again!
I know I’ve technically been here all summer, but, in full disclosure, I batch recorded the summer episode way back in April. It’s been a great summer and I’m excited to finally be back at the mic.
I kept this episode quick to ease my way back in and to really emphasize something I learned this last year or so – the secret sauce to getting found.

Key Takeaways
- A lot of social media content creation (that yes, I have contributed to!) is competitive. Look at me! I’m important! Look what I have! It’s time to listen: Get clear on who you are and your values and then start listening.
- 2022 was my first year without a vision board and it showed. I felt untethered and started things just for the sake of starting them. Getting focused in 2023 has helped me have a more successful year.
- There is so much content already out there! People feel pulled and stretched in so many ways. Try viewing social media as your flag in the sand where people know where to find you.
- Reverse the structure of social media. Be listeners first and content creators second.
- Have you ever had a fabulous offer and heard crickets when you released it? Reverse the structure and be a listener first, content creator second.
- How did you get your following in the first place? How did you make those people feel heard and valued?
- Make intentional time to listen by following other accounts, joining groups, or putting a question box in your stories.
- “Not just prioritizing us getting found, but finding other people online.”
Connect with Molly
Find me, Molly Knuth, on Instagram and Facebook.
Follow Molly Knuth Media on Facebook and Instagram.
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