Here we are, friends! We’ve reached the 100th episode!
Like… HOW??!
I wanted a special way to celebrate this milestone and polled the team. So for today’s podcast, I have a mix of…
- How I got started and what I learned
- Top performers and hidden gems
- Future plans!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, listeners. Not just for listening, but for your feedback, emails, and messages of support. I love getting messages about episodes that hit you in the feels! It keeps me going and I couldn’t have reached this episode without your encouragement and support!

Key Takeaways
- I was a fresh little green business owner in 2017: Never took a business class, and CERTAINLY didn’t have a degree! I binged the Momentum podcast and loved the 10 minute action packed episodes. The algorithm pegged me and kept suggesting more and more valuable content. Seriously, so much of my business knowledge is from the School of Apple Podcasts!
- I ordered my podcast microphone a full year before my first episode!
- Most podcasts last only nine episodes! I went into this knowing the value of momentum and consistency. The name, the niche, the launch… That’s just the foothills!
- I took Jenna Kutcher’s podcast course and applied everything I learned to get started!
- I knew consistency would be important so I scheduled 2-3 months in advance to minimize summer recording. Summer is nuts around here!
- Find support! Honestly a podcast is a lot of work and I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it all on my own! Consider hiring out for editing or marketing if it will keep you behind the microphone.
- Podcasting does NOT have a quick turnaround. Three months in, I had about 300 downloads a month. Six months in, I questioned whether I could keep going. My accountant gave good guidance. Maybe I couldn’t trace my success exactly to my podcast, but it was a valuable investment in the know, like, trust strategy. It’s an important lead generator and it’s important to me to be of service to others.
- The last six months have had half of my lifetime downloads!
- It took 30 episodes to figure out my equipment and find my voice.
- Four of the top five episodes were from March 2022! Where are they now?
- Callie Fitzgerald was riding the high of her first three months in business and is now offering amazing summer programming at Centrally Rooted in Dubuque, Iowa. She’s added art, painting, and brought in teachers from all over the country. Her flagship curriculum, Mindful Musicians, will be offered in two area schools this fall!

- Lauren Welter’s episode about mental health in small towns brought the most messages EVER. Many people praising the normalization of mental health and folks asking for Lauren’s contact information.

- Other popular episodes included Let’s Get Woo Woo, Melissa Nelson, and Do I Need a Business Coach?

- You guys. My worst podcasts were definitely my “Teen Years.” It was past the bubble of my friends listening to be nice but I hadn’t quite caught on to a wider audience yet. Go back and give them a listen!
- I don’t think I’ve “made it” to be at episode 100! I’m hanging on to be the cream that rises to the top. See you at 300!
- Molly Knuth Media and the Small Minded Podcast are going through exciting changes! We’re morphing into a small business hub of resources and support! We might rebrand in the future, but we’ll be here offering high value content week after week.
- Just in case she edits it out, a HUGE thank you to my podcast editing superwoman Miranda Ostwinkle. I seriously couldn’t have done this without her!
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