Hey listeners, today is February 22, 2022. If you followed me for any length of time, you know that I’m a tad bit superstitious and repeating numbers are often referred to as angel numbers! So what better time than Tuesday, 2-22-22, to get a little woo-woo here at Small Minded!

Key Takeaways:
- What is “Woo Woo?” “Woo Woo” are those things you can’t explain but you believe in. It’s not science, it’s your belief. Whether it’s a superstition, religious belief, good luck charm, we all have a little “Woo Woo spirit inside of us.”
- On Instagram you may see accounts talking about manifesting, or bringing your desires to fruition. Some believe that manifesting is thinking about and praying over what you want. I’m of the belief that it takes a little of both. You have to put out there and talk about the things you want in life, but you also have to take some actions to make these things happen too.
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert – Sometimes we are gifted these ideas, and if a person acts on it, it is divinely timed. Or if the person doesn’t act upon it, the idea jumps to another person who will take action and bring it to life.

- Angel numbers are repeating numbers that are attributed to different messages from the Universe. For example, seeing the repeating number 1234 means things are coming together for you. 222 means to stop worrying, things will all work out (I see that one a lot). 666…we all know that is not a good sign.

- Sage & palo santo are natural remedies that have been used for centuries to clean up energy in a space to promote healing and wisdom. So of course I used it at the end of 2021 to bring good vibes to our home and my office for the new year.
- Palpable energy of other people. This seems far out, but seriously
Ok so what are your thoughts on all of this? Are you woo-woo too or are you like “No, molly. This is too much?” I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Podcast Sponsorship Opportunities
Did you notice the sponsors we’ve had in recent weeks of the podcast? Janey Stahl Coaching, Chilled Freezer Meals, and Sweat Inspire Sisterhood are here to help YOU with their products and services, and they knew that as a small-minded listener you might need what they have to offer.
If your business helps people who live and work in small towns, then a commercial spot on the Small-Minded Podcast might be the perfect opportunity for you to connect your products with your ideal follower (and you know we’re all about the marketing here!)
If you’re interested in advertising with the Small-Minded Podcast, send us an email at hello@mollyknuthmedia.com to discuss the sponsorship opportunities we have available for you!
*Friendly disclaimer: we’re going to be pretty selective about who we allow to advertise here because our listener experience is important to us. So if you’re interested in advertising here, be prepared for us to ask some questions about your goals and get oriented with you and your business before offering up a recording option.
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