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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger

The Power of Community with Charlotte Knuth

Today’s episode has someone pretty personal on the podcast- I’m joined this week by my spirited, brave, and courageous daughter, Charlotte. 

We’re four years out from the August our world turned upside down when an overreaction from a cold virus caused Charlotte’s immune system to attack her spinal cord. As she should have been starting kindergarten and being a flower girl in her aunt’s wedding, Charlotte spent two months at the Stead Family Children’s hospital in Iowa City and then in rehab for paralysis she suffered from Acute Flaccid Myelitis. 

This was the early years of MKM when all of my effort and energy was going into growing a business. Seriously- I brought a tote of client work with to the hospital before we realized how fast Charlotte’s condition was deteriorating. The lesson to slow down and prioritize family slammed into me, but it grounded me in a way I’m grateful for now. I appreciated my small town more than ever as they rallied around Charlotte and our family. I became more devoted than ever to small town small businesses.

Listeners, this one is a roller coaster. At the time I couldn’t believe I stopped to take pictures and journal, but I am so grateful now because without them this time in our lives wouldn’t even seem real. Charlotte’s journey is filled with blessings and magic that I still struggle to comprehend and explain. 

Listen along and you’ll see why people telling Charlotte she is just like her mama is the best. compliment. I could ever. get.

Key takeaways

  • On August 11, 2018, we took Charlotte to our regional hospital for her to be rushed to the Stead Family Children’s Hospital. 
  • We didn’t know what was wrong! Charlotte’s journey was filled with strange and magic coincidences and one was someone back home catching a Good Morning America segment that mentioned Acute Flaccid Myelitis.
  • Yes, “The Wave” at the University of Iowa Hawkeye Football games is exactly as amazing as it looks. Our family experienced it three times in our stay.
  • Charlotte was sedated for 17 days and stayed in acute inpatient rehab for three weeks. Our family wasn’t under the same roof for two months!
  • Charlotte continues to attend therapies and is still making improvements. She is such a trooper and we are so proud of her courage and strength!
  • Charlotte shares her memories of her experience, her favorite people, and the therapies she loves.
  • Charlotte is so proud of the painting she helped “Mr. Gary” make and that raised $10,000 at a gala to improve the therapy center Charlotte attends.  ( Much more than the $50 Charlotte estimated paintings to be worth!) The couple who purchased the painting generously gave it to our family and it is such a treasure. 
  • Charlotte is sometimes sad that she can’t hold planks or do mountain climbers like the other kids, but says that most kids don’t notice “righty” and her struggles. She loves art and has taught herself to work with her left hand.
  • Seriously. What a great kid. We would never wish this journey on another family but are so grateful for the love and strength it has brought our family.

Podcast Sponsor: MKM Spring Programs

Be the first to know about our spring program offers by signing up at
Depending on where you are in your small business journey, we have options to meet you where you are and help you grow your woman-owned business this spring.

Option 1: Social School

For the business owner who is just starting out, looking for marketing accountability, or to uplevel their marketing skills. What you get:

  • Tips and tricks for using social media to advertise your small business
  • Monthly topic of focus
  • Workbooks
  • Content Calendars
  • Q&A Sessions
  • Templates and more

Option 2: Business School

For the business owner in years 2-7, looking for community and support as they grow from start-up business to stabilizing and scaling. What you get:

  • For the 2-7 year business owner looking for that “something”
  • Bring in monthly experts in various areas like “working in your purpose,” “productivity tools,” “organizing your business,” “hiring,” and more
  • A place for you to find inspiration, answers, and community as you grow your small-town small business

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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger