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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

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6 Essential Elements for your First $50k in Business with Aly Robins

We’ve made it.

The dog days of summer. 

This time of year, we can have so many of these schedule interruptions or things that happen in life that pull us away from our businesses. Time compressed and condensed: we’re outside more, we have more social gatherings, and life just happens at a quicker pace.

With our guest today, Miss Aly Robbins, we’re reminded of those foundational pieces of our business that we can put in place, especially for service providers. These six foundational components ensure our business is solid and can run the way we want it to, in order to provide exceptional client and customer experience for the people we serve.

I love that her six-step process is a metaphor that is easy to picture and take action on. Just like doing what you can to make sure your plants can grow (whether you’re an indoor plant mama or you’re growing your gardens this summer), you need to provide essential elements for your business to grow:

  • leadership – sunlight
  • marketing – water
  • sales – nutrients
  • mindset – soil
  • offer – seeds
  • backend systems and processes – air temperature

Aly is engaging, insightful, resourceful, and I know you are going to connect with her and her message in today’s episode of The Found Podcast.

Key Takeaways:

  • 8:26 – Aly’s multiple entrepreneurial ventures and what they’ve taught her to help her clients
  • 13:18 – The importance of money mindset
  • 18:56 – 6 essential components of growing a business
  • 21:30 – leadership (sunlight)
  • 28:07 – marketing (water)
  • 32:29 – sales (nutrients)
  • 35:59 – mindset (soil)
  • 42:10 – offer (seeds)
  • 43:53 – backend systems + processes (air temperature)

More About Aly Robins

Aly Robins is a serial entrepreneur who helps people like you grow their business and reach their first $50k through 1:1 business coaching and group coaching. Like Aly, her clients are stepping into a new level of confidence and becoming more profitable small business professionals.

Just a few years ago, Allie herself was struggling to land sales because she was brand new to the online world. She was full-time as a rangeland specialist and building her business on the side. But she was experiencing trials and tribulations trying to break through income levels that she knew were possible but were hard for her to attain.  After investing in her business by hiring a marketing coach and working with several business coaches over time, Allie learned so much about not just marketing, but about the foundational components of building a sustainable business using her signature six-step process.

Get more information on her process at or follow her on Instagram at @alyrobins1.

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Hi there! I'm Molly: small town enthusiast, digital marketer, and mom of 4, passionate about helping local, small businesses thrive. Stick around to learn how YOU can flourish while living and doing business in a small town.

molly knuth

Meet the blogger