I honestly can’t believe I haven’t written on this before. It took a request from a special follower to make me realize that for as much as I share podcast links and recommend new episodes for you to learn from, I need to put all these in one place for my followers to come back to time and time again.
Why podcasts?
First off, podcasts are amazing. Imagine your best friend or business coach in your ear as you’re on your morning walk or driving your kids to school. Podcasts are literally as easy to carry with you as your phone because that’s where they live. You can find everything from audio books, to dramatic plays, to tutorials, to celebrity gossip, to pretty much whatever you are into. Allll subjects are represented in the podcast internet jungle. Many celebrities and influencers host their own series, but you can also find up-and-comers you’ve never heard of before sharing some of the best tips and stories you’ve ever heard.
I love these audio files for the advice I can get on business without having to sit through a course or read dense articles. In the time it takes me to get two miles logged in the morning, I can learn about new marketing methods or the next best rural business idea. Podcasts have truly been a way for me to learn about owning a business and get ideas for growing my own.
You can use the Podcasts App from Apple or Spotify, Stitcher, and others to start your listening.
*beware: when you subscribe to podcasts, the episodes download to your phone, so if you’re lacking storage space be sure to adjust your settings so podcasts don’t fill your memory.
A Few of My Favorite Podcasts

Rural Revival
Hosted by Danna Larson, an Iowa gal as well, Rural Revival highlights small business owners and entrepreneurs across the country as they bring life to their rural communities. The unique aspect of this podcast is that Danna rarely does over-the-phone interviews that you commonly hear on other interview-style podcasts. Danna actually travels to these small towns across the U.S. so she can visit her subjects and their small businesses, and witness the revivals firsthand.
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: Ugh! How can I pick just one! But I did really like Episode 046: Emily Riddle of Gathered Living in Versailles, KY
Frequency: Weekly on Thursdays

The Small Town, Big Talk Show
This is probably in my top two of all my favorite podcasts. I had a chance to talk to Rebecca on the phone a couple months back, and not only is she a lovely person, but it felt like I was talking to an old friend, and I fondly call her “North Dakota Molly” and I’m “Iowa Rebecca.” Rebecca is devoted to breathing life into small towns across the U.S. by having the conversations about the challenges and triumphs facing these communities. In each episode of her podcast, Rebecca offers “a tactic, idea, or strategy to help you live bigger in your small town” …and trust me when I say, these tips are real-life, make-you-give-a-knowing-smile-because-you-can-relate kind of things. Drop what you’re doing and go give it a listen.
Review: 6/5
Favorite Episode: 39: Small-Town Fundraising with Patrick Kirby – I didn’t pick this because of recency, but because I’m in the middle of different fundraisers for all four of my kids at this very moment. Talk about TIMELY.
Frequency: Weekly, on Mondays

Be There in Five
Gah! I love this one. Kate Kennedy takes you through all things pop culture from the 90s to the present times. Her witty banter and unique takes on subjects like Taylor Swift, the Royal Family, and throwback Abercrombie tee shirts of the early 00s make me simultaneously giggle and reminisce on life in my high school/college years. This is my favorite podcast for when I need something light-hearted that can play in the background while I’m working.
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: 67: Bath and Body Jerks, a take on early 00s mall culture
Frequency: Weekly, with surprise episodes dropping at random

Building a Story Brand
This podcast is all about using Donald Miller’s StoryBrand framework to market your small business. It shares practical tips and advice from industry experts to help you simplify your business’ message and take action after listening.
Review: 4/5, sometimes the episodes are a little too long and I skip the end
Favorite Episode: 128: Jay Baer, Why You Need a Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy ASAP
Frequency: Weekly, on Mondays

6 Figure Influencer
Allie I Reeves is my Instagram-loving spirit sister. A mom and social media manager turned influencer/course creator, Allie shares her tips for business women to take their online presence from present to powerful with her simple solutions and easily-implementable frameworks. A MUST-listen if you’re looking to grow via Instagram.
Review: 5/5, BONUS: most episodes are under 20 minutes! So you can get a quick listen!
Favorite Episode: 12: Hashtags: Why the F They’re So Important + Best Practices
Frequency: Weekly, on Mondays

Online Marketing Made Easy
I could listen to Amy Porterfield all day. Truly. Her voice is so soothing and easy to listen to. Amy’s podcast ranges from topics such as business structure and advice to building online courses to interviewing industry experts. I learn something new every time I listen in!
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: 277: 3 BIG Decisions I Wish I Had Made Earlier
Frequency: Weekly, on Thursdays

Social Media Marketing Podcast
The starting point for anyone looking to grow via social media marketing. This podcast hosted by Michael Stelzner is full of solid information on helpful topics like Video Marketing, Facebook Ads, Instagram Stories, and more. Each one has solid tips offered up by specialists on each topic, and it’s where I first learned of Jenna Kutcher and Rachel Hollis (listed a little further down on this list!).
Review: 4/5
Favorite Episode: 279: Visual Personal Branding with Jenna Kutcher
Frequency: Weekly, on Fridays

The Squad Life
I know this girl! I met Crystal Blin this spring at a social media conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and she is truly as sweet and lovely as she sounds on her podcast. In her series, Crystal interviews the girls in her personal squad to share their stories of building lives and businesses in small towns across the country. So fun to listen in each week and think, “I could totally do that too!”
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: 11: Why 100 Goals will Give You Direction
Frequency: Weekly, on Tuesdays

Rise Podcast
Rachel Hollis. I’ve been listening to her podcast since BEFORE Girl, Wash Your Face was published, and honestly her tips for growing a business and seeing how your life is working for you are worth gold. So relatable and real, and action items you can implement immediately. My favorites are honestly the early ones when she interviews her friends and asks the same 5 questions at the end of every episode 🙂
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: 11: Ten Business Principles from the President of Distribution at the Walt Disney Company – Dave Hollis – pre RiseTogether and Hollis Co
Frequency: Weekly, on Tuesdays

The Goal Digger Podcast
Gold. I get so much out of each episode. Jenna Kutcher is a small-town, Midwest girl who turned her photography business into a multi-million dollar online empire. And in the podcast she breaks down just how you can do it too.
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: 129: Ask Jenna Anything About Social Media
Frequency: Several per week

The Foot Traffic Podcast
This one is all about business basics. I worked with Stacy earlier this year to help boost my own business, and she is phenomenal at scaling small business. She offers a mix of her own advice with industry experts and calls with her clients, so you can learn at every level….PS: I was on the episode from August 2, 2019! Listen to my coaching call with Stacy here.
Review: 5/5
Favorite Episode: 313: Strategies to Prevent Information Overload with April Perry
Frequency: Several each week
Final Thoughts
Phew! Quite a list there, but I promise they are all so good and beneficial for those of you looking to build your businesses online.
Do I listen to each new episode of every podcast listed above.
There’s just too much and I have limited time.
But when I have spaces in my day to listen in, these are my favorites for growing my business and expanding my knowledge base.
What are some of your favorite podcasts to listen to? Tell me in the comments below!
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